What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Welcome To Bridge City Community Church
Bridge City. That’s us. The church isn’t an organization, or a program, or a building. The church is the people. We are a group of people committed to walking with each other as we learn to live & love like Jesus.
We don’t care so much about what label you wear. We’re not out to fix you, or even answer all your questions. We’re learning to be present, to listen to the Spirit, and to learn together how to live in the way of Jesus.
If you’re looking for a church where everyone is perfect and everything is shiny, we are probably not the church for you. But if you want to understand Jesus better and practice His way without being required to accept or affirm things you don’t yet understand or haven’t been convicted on, then we invite you to come experience this broken-but-healing, spiritual-but-not-religious, trying-and-sometimes-failing, growing-in-grace-and-maturity community of people who are finding healing, love, and purpose in Jesus Christ.
Where You'll Find Us

The Bridge House Sundays
2816 SE Harrison Street 6 PM Worship & Word
Milwaukie, OR 97222 7:15 PM Community Prayer
Want to join us online?
- Watch the public live stream of our worship gathering and participate via chat on the church’s Public Facebook Page.
- To join in via Zoom, email schelske@bridgecity.org and ask to receive the Zoom invitation.

Ongoing discussion, devotions, and support.
Facebook Page – General Information
Facebook Group – Community